Monday 27 June 2011

Summer and the Incurable case of Boredom

Back when it was September, when I started school once again, carrying a bag that weighed like a dozen hamours and having a nervous look on my face. I started the old Academic year again. To cut the story short, I spent the whole year, moaning about Summer.Don't get me wrong, school is a unique place, for socializing and (obviously) for learning.

But now that summer has finally arrived in the desert island of Bahrain, I have to say, I'm bored!
True, we wait the whole year for summer vacations. We work our butts off for it, bracing through IGCSE, CBSE or whatever the heck you study for a decent few months where we could rewind ourselves.

But alas, the boredom has caught onto us, our once daily routine of waking up at 7 AM in the morning and returning at 2 PM is ruined. But with one problem solved, another emerges. Boredom! Boredom! Boredom!

My Photography skill at work: A beautiful flower.
You ask yourself now, What should I do ? Its summer, I have free time but I don't know what to do. That is the dilemma for the Average student. Sure, the obvious answer is traveling. I'm all for that, but what if you're on a budget ? Ah, then you can't.

Watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney Channel a while ago, about two brothers who try to do fun stuff every day in Summer, it sorta inspires me. Yes I know, you'd be like "OMG! U watch Disney! Nab! Kick!!!" along with some insult :) Sorry, I don't grow out of old habits :D

I recently tried to cure this boredom, I took up the art of Photography, though I simply take photos of flowers and plants, along with Birds and the occasional neighborhood cat. I also tried my skills at making YouTube videos, I'm no master or anything , but I suppose everything starts from scratch.

I also did the obvious that a teen my age would do... work out and build that body. Which simply means... I just do lots of power-walking and jogging... and Swimming! I love the swimming!

Well, I suppose I could always spend my whole day being an outcast and lock myself in my room and continuously play World of Warcraft and Call of Duty: Black Ops with no lights in a dark room.

No.. just no. That is soooo not my lifestyle... well, it is an option if you're stuck at home ! :D

And now, if you'd excuse me, I'll try to enjoy my summer. See ya later, guys and gals! :)

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