Thursday 30 June 2011

MythBusters, Football and I Need New Books

Another day, Another time where I can blog.

As a child, I was an avid viewer of the Discovery Channel. I didn't know why, it was always surprising and very informative whenever I keep watching it. I suppose I had a weird sense of entertainment then :)

With the knowledge I got from shows like MythBusters and How Its Made, I remember going around the household telling about all sorts of facts and stuff. I remember how irritated my brother was, he had only wanted a decent game of football (on the PS2 of course!). Ah, how I enjoyed the MythBusters. They were so enthusiastic about their job, and they made it look like its a heck-load of fun. And also, made Science look like its fun. And it actually is!! :)

Which reminds me of one important thing. Whenever a guy says "Lets play some football", you'd think he'd mean the actual game. But to my dismay, he was referring to playing it on the old PS3. O,O

I mean, I see this as a new trend, now people seem to quit the physical game and simply go play it virtually. What has happened to this beautiful game ? Well, aside from the recent FIFA scandal, it seems that people are becoming more couch-potato-ish than ever before. Some say blame fast food, others say they are just being lazy. God knows how this problem could be solved! :(
My first Famous Five Book. I need more!

Now, drifting from the above topic, I'm glad to say that I've finally finished reading my first ever Scholarly History Book!!! Yes, I managed to finish the 600 paged A History of the Modern Middle East , by the late William Cleveland. It was absolutely brilliant, I have to say. That comes from me, A teen that loves History :)
It has taught me so much on my Middle Eastern Heritage.

Which also leaves me pondering, I need new books. And since I'm in the mood for some fiction, perhaps I should finally get some Famous Five books ?

What? I absolutely liked those books during my younger years. They helped portray the image of young and energetic youths. If only Bahrain had the moors and hills, the rivers and fens of the British :(

Well, I'll try to get some new Famous Five books :)

 You can never outgrow the classics, like Mr. Bean and such :D

Thanks for reading, and goodbye for now.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Having Some Fun With Google

Admit it ! Come on, Google is a recognized symbol of the Internet. It is etched into our brains now, whenever we face doubts. We don't turn to books or libraries anymore. We simply " Google it " :)

Admittingly, I have to say it does make us somewhat lazy , now that we no longer go through the books manually but yet we expect the answers to be readily available and spoon feed ourselves with it.

But, don't get me wrong. Google is a brilliant piece of work. Not simply because of its role as a search engine but the fact that it has other roles to it, other services. A vintage example is the Google Translate tab. Fantastic tool whenever I feel like translating between languages (Although I'm waiting for Latin ! Come on, I wanna sounds like Ezio :).

A feature that I most definitely like about Google, is the fact that you can go search through the news archives. Yes I know, what sorta lad would waste his breath searching through old newspaper articles ?
Well, I'm a lad that likes his history :)

I go search about how the olden times were, especially in Bahrain. In fact, according to Google, Bahrain was only mentioned in Western Newspapers in 1935 (Something to do with a football derby, I think :P ).

Which makes me wonder... Was life in the olden days better ? Well, I'd know my mates wouldn't like a place where there's no PC or any PS3 within sight. They'd go ballistic!

This flower was pink , two days ago! But still, my photography
But I guess asking myself this is because I don't like Change. Of course, sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. I don't like it when good things disappear, such is the case when you lose a loved one. But change is inevitable, and the only thing that would never change in the universe, is Change (that and the coldness of space!).

But in the words of Obama , "Change we Can", so it looks like I need to change this summer. Hmm... I wonder if the library is open...

Ah well, enjoy this shot I took yesterday. Come on, this flower was pink two days ago!!!

Meh.. I'm out :D

Update: Another reason to love Google. They make pretty fun doodles. Like the Guitar one! (Click Here if you want to play it again!)

Tuesday 28 June 2011

A New Word and How to Have Fun

Sulking... a word that not many people may recognize but would probably have used it on more than occasion in their lives.

While in Bahrain, we rarely use English words to describe ourselves (except for the occasional English word in a whole Arabic sentence!), we do have a word for it. To brush up your memory, here is what it means (as the all-knowing Websters Dictionary says)-
Be silent, morose, and bad-tempered out of annoyance or disappointment
Fair to say we've all done that at one point in our lives, from moments when you get into trouble with your friends or parents, you'd probably retreat back towards the act of sulking. The silent treatment as it is sometimes termed. Quite effective but can also backfire too!

Honestly, I've no clue why I started this post with the above topic, maybe because I was that bored. But anyways, Summer is here once again. The birds are chirping and the trees are blooming. Bahrain technically doesn't have a Spring season (or so my Geography book said) because its too darn hot. But Summer is the best time for plants here to grow, Maximum sunlight and water.... Ok, forget about the water part :)

You'd think with Summer being here and all, that it would be fun. I do admit, it is fun but only if you know how to have fun. In whatever ways you like, sure go read that book if you think its fun. Yes, go swim through the lagoons of Amwaj if you think is fun. My point is, do what you like and think is fun. Heck, if you think swimming from Muharraq to Hawar is fun, go do it! (I want photographic evidence!!! XD )

If you want to go to the Museum for whatever reason, then go. Don't listen to critics who say its boring. To them , it is dull. To you, it may seem fun. Just have fun the way You want it. But, for God's sake, don't get into trouble in the process!


And... I guess that sums up for today, I'll leave you guys with a funny internet picture. Just for Laughs :P

Oh come on! You know I love LOLCATS!! :D

Monday 27 June 2011

Summer and the Incurable case of Boredom

Back when it was September, when I started school once again, carrying a bag that weighed like a dozen hamours and having a nervous look on my face. I started the old Academic year again. To cut the story short, I spent the whole year, moaning about Summer.Don't get me wrong, school is a unique place, for socializing and (obviously) for learning.

But now that summer has finally arrived in the desert island of Bahrain, I have to say, I'm bored!
True, we wait the whole year for summer vacations. We work our butts off for it, bracing through IGCSE, CBSE or whatever the heck you study for a decent few months where we could rewind ourselves.

But alas, the boredom has caught onto us, our once daily routine of waking up at 7 AM in the morning and returning at 2 PM is ruined. But with one problem solved, another emerges. Boredom! Boredom! Boredom!

My Photography skill at work: A beautiful flower.
You ask yourself now, What should I do ? Its summer, I have free time but I don't know what to do. That is the dilemma for the Average student. Sure, the obvious answer is traveling. I'm all for that, but what if you're on a budget ? Ah, then you can't.

Watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney Channel a while ago, about two brothers who try to do fun stuff every day in Summer, it sorta inspires me. Yes I know, you'd be like "OMG! U watch Disney! Nab! Kick!!!" along with some insult :) Sorry, I don't grow out of old habits :D

I recently tried to cure this boredom, I took up the art of Photography, though I simply take photos of flowers and plants, along with Birds and the occasional neighborhood cat. I also tried my skills at making YouTube videos, I'm no master or anything , but I suppose everything starts from scratch.

I also did the obvious that a teen my age would do... work out and build that body. Which simply means... I just do lots of power-walking and jogging... and Swimming! I love the swimming!

Well, I suppose I could always spend my whole day being an outcast and lock myself in my room and continuously play World of Warcraft and Call of Duty: Black Ops with no lights in a dark room.

No.. just no. That is soooo not my lifestyle... well, it is an option if you're stuck at home ! :D

And now, if you'd excuse me, I'll try to enjoy my summer. See ya later, guys and gals! :)

Sunday 26 June 2011

A Place of my Own and Some New Beginnings.

WOW! My own personal blog, all for myself (and my viewers too). While I'm not new to blogging (I'm the guy @ Rani's Daily Views), It is much fun to start afresh and best when its all personal.

I suppose introductions are in order, I'm Mohammed but my friends call me Rani. I'm a student , still stuck at school, but now enjoying the summer break. I'm a Bahraini, born and raised in Bahrain. I look forward to blogging here and I hope you guys and gals enjoy my posts :)

People regard birthdays as something special (well, most do). Today, I celebrated mine, I looked back to my childhood and I realized something; I spend too much time in the Library!! (Sorry, Couldn't resist putting a little joke :). No but, I've realized that now, I'm no longer 6 or 9 or 12 anymore, I've grown up. I'm a teenager now, and sure I love to have fun, I have to acknowledge the fact that I have to take up responsibilities.

To my Studies.
To my Family.
To myself.

Now it is quite hard to go through the transition of a game-a-holic guy who spends his whole day playing World of Warcraft or Call of Duty (Back in my day, we had Counter Strike!) to a semi-fun guy. I mean, you got new responsibilites now, people expect stuff from you. You're no longer in diapers! You're in baggy shorts now! (Assuming you're a male :P ).

Only now do I finally understand my Dad's advice when he told me:
Enjoy your childhood, have as much fun as you can.