Tuesday 13 December 2011

My National Day Tribute

You want? :)
On the occassion of the Bahraini National Day...I thought I should redebut on this blog so.... I made this sandwich!

Toast...with ketchup! (I was that  hungry!)

Alright, it looks a bit cruddy but that's because I was really hungry at the time. Hunger does that to you!

And yeah, I know there's a point missing , so don't flame me about it.

But I felt patriotic at the time, so...Happy Birthday Bahrain!

Tip: If you want to make one of these yourself, do NOT use Ketchup (it tastes too viniger-ish and salty for the usual taste bud)

Jam is an excellent substitute.

Happy National Day to my fellow Bahrainis (and to non-Bahrainis in Bahrain, enjoy the holidays!)